Nara, the short-lived capital of Japan (84 years to be precise) and city in central Kansai, has now been awarded the much more prestigious status of POLIVER’S TRAVELS’ Deer Capital of the World. This hasn’t been bestowed due to the deer’s volume, although an estimated 1,200 is a veritable shit-tonne of shika. Instead, it is their amiable, occasionally mischievous manner that earns Nara the honour.
Throughout the deer inhabited area there is an ever-present promise of the coveted “shika sembei” otherwise known as deer cake. These cake stands are guarded by an army of long-suffering ladies, ready to deliver a firm scold to the more persistent, criminally minded deer. The tasty morsels are sold at the bargain price of five for ¥150 and if you don’t distribute the crispy snacks quick enough you’ll be on the receiving end of a swift bout of butts, bites and bashes.
Locals and tourists alike hold a special fondness for these beautiful, modest and yet cheeky creatures, which are free to roam the parks, temples and streets that border the city.